dream. if its the only thing that makes u smile, then, dream

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Cant get the joy.

So today is 22nd July 2014.

Feeling blue on the whole day. Something is haunting me.
It spoilt me. My attitude become worst, surrounded by those faces that bring shit to my day. Feeling like want to throw stone to their faces..cant stop talking shit, but that was not really what i wanted to do. Just to make me feel better, but i cant find the way.

Just now, im searching for something to make me happy.
So i found, oat crunch. It says "krakers yang enak dan menceriakan"
So i ate to get the joy, but it remains unchanged
Im still sitting there, with a stupid face and tired eyes
Where the fuck is the joy, oat crunch?
Dont know what has brought me to this stupid idea..

Ramadhan is getting closer to the end & Raya is coming.
Why cant i feel the happiness?
Why cant i feel the spirit?
Where did they gone to?
Did i dropped them somewhere?
I need to find them back, pick it up, and wear them again.
I need to be happy.
I need to smile.
I need a good heart, a good life, and a good at everything.

God, show me the way. Heal my soul.

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