define yourself everyday cause you shall know yourself everyday

Wednesday 18 September 2024


Hi! It's been a while since I don't have anything to write. Today I attended ICRE that was being held at Dewan Resital UMS. To be honest, i'm writing with a backpain and weary eyes, i'm so sleepy but i'm so excited to write my experience for today. Can we skip the apostrophes? lol

This will be my favorite speaker of the day. Prof. Dr. Emi Emilia from Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) - "English Language Education in Secondary School in Indonesia"

Rasanya aku perlu menaip dalam Bahasa Melayu kali ni atas sebab-sebab tertentu. Tapi tengoklah macam mana, sebab entry kalini aku mau share secara bersahaja, mungkin masih terbawa-bawa dengan keformalan majlis tadi, jadi aku lupa sekejap bagaimana menaip seperti manusia yang tidak terikat dengan intelektualiti. Tiber. So i just wanted to write this as a record that I WAS there, and I don't wanna forget those input I had that is why im here! To write is to memorize, to read it again is to practice, and to practice it is how you own the knowledge.

The first talk were given by Dr. Sirhajwan Idek from Keningau Vocational College, Keningau, Sabah. He's sharing about how to democratize student access to learning opportunities through digital, remote and localized platforms. Dipendekkan cerita, beliau memberi perkongsian bagaimana beliau berjaya membimbing pelajar-pelajarnya dalam menghasilkan satu projek yang menggalakkan pelajar untuk berfikir secara kritis, dalam masa yang sama, memberi keuntungan kepada dua pihak, iaitu secara individu dan juga institusi tersebut. Pastu, beliau ada share lagi ada satu program dimana ia dilakukan secara online, dan melibatkan guru dari pelbagai negara seperti US, German, Japan, Canada, Nigeria, masing-masing berkongsi ilmu. Pastu ada satu platform lagi dimana platform tersebut berfungsi untuk menggalakkan pelajar berkongsi tentang produk yang dijual, so they were encouraged to speak english, to perform and to present in english which is turn out very well menurut pemerhatianku dari slide yang dipaparkan. Apa yang menarik tentang beliau, that catch my attention is how fluent he spoke in english, bukan sekadar fluent, tapi the way he pronounce the words and dari segi penggunaan dan pemilihan perkataan, no wonder lah dapat award dari Paris. Okay, that was inspiring.

Let us move on to the next speaker, tidak lain tidak bukan, Prof. Dr. Soon Singh Bikar Singh which is our Dekan Fakulti. Guess what is more shocking? He greeted us with "peace be upon you" but in arabic la. My first picture of him is the "Singh" appearance. He's a muslim. (Hello sis you yourself is muslim but not wearing tudung) but bruh this is not a judgement but a shocking but impressed reaction. The sharing was brief but informative, padat dengan isi dan pendapatannya, and i like this kind of presentation. So the sharing title is "A Narrative of the Academic Achievement Transformation Programme at SMK Kota Klias Beaufort Sabah" - let me write this in my own understanding because i did not jot down anything on a paper - the sharing was about how they make an experiment in school, kiranya macam eksperimen modul lah, dorang buat meeting dengan cikgu, pastu berbincang pasal modul yang diberi, and they even do some investigation to some teachers and students in the school regarding how they teach and how the students learn, adakah dorang faham atau tidak? and then turn out cara mengajar guru tu yang tidak berkesan and i remember what the prof sampaikan, but i don't really remember his words, tapi based on my understanding macam begini, bila kita mengajar kita selalu expect bila kita tanya faham all the student will say understand right away, and we often forgot that student ni juga ada demand mereka, in order to understand student and help them grow kita kena dengar apa yang mereka mahu daripada kita (teacher), and not to forget juga, every students has different capabilities on understanding, so we need to be flexible on our strategy in teaching. - pastu, adalah program dorang buat dengan student SMK Kota Klias ni, dorang bawa ke UMS untuk mereka rasa macam mana university life supaya mereka ada motivation. And it was shocking to see the outcome, dalam hatiku "Ini barulah transformasi!", result SPM dorang meningkat dengan tinggi! ah you see! i was telling you his sharing was the briefest one tapi banyak yang aku dapat taip sini.

Then we took a break. Today I was bloated with free foods, breakfast nasi lemak and two cempiangs and i grabbed mineral water instead of tea and coffee yeah that is very demure of me, lunch nasi dengan ikan goreng with some sayur buncis, terung sambal, and ayam kari (which is still hard to pass through my pharynx, not even that lah! even my tongue reluctant to tolerate!) and yes im sticking to mineral water, and for the tea break, ada two kinds of kuih, satu kek sarang semut and the other one if im not mistaken is kuih pelita?, and of course the very demurest of me sticking to mineral water because of 1 cup of milo i took before going to UMS. Hehe im feeling healthy. K to the next speaker---

Prof. Dr. Emi Emilia, which is my favourite for today, sebab apa? maybe this summary of her would be a little bit womansplaining, lol. And im so inspired by the way she spoke with facts and figures, with those theories of critical thinking, the Rose & Martin citation. at one glance, at one thought, I wanna be like her someday. I want her brain. Yes! Actually memang semua speaker nampak hebat pun harini but this one with her that I like is the rhetoric she's using, the humor. If you know, you know lah. Ah teda la begitu, orang bilang, kalau orang yang pandai buat lawak ni, dia actually genius. Ah that part of her that i like, not everbody can do that ok. Some jokes are funny because its not funny, but this one is naturally funny. The authenticity is what matters, sesuatu yang tidak dipaksa-paksa. nah you see, how many lines im writing JUST about her, and not about what she shared. Ok la ok la enough. So tadi beliau share tentang masalah yang dihadapi oleh cikgu-cikgu english yang mengajar di kawasan pedalaman ni, dengan kekurang facilities, pastu ada murid yang zero exposure dengan bahasa inggeris that makes it bit hard supaya se-level dengan kawan-kawan satu kelasnya, in different word, memerlukan perhatian lebih daripada murid yang lain. and ada satu dia share ni, kadang guru ni dia bagi latihan yang nda-nda kepada pelajarnya, contohnya suruh buat summary dan perlu disiapkan dalam masa yang singkat, and she asked "guru tu sendiri boleh buat ka?" - so kalau murid masih belum menguasai pembelajaran, itu sebenarnya yang perlu dipersalahkan ialah guru itu sendiri. At the end of the presentation, aku berkesempatan bertanya soalan kepada sosok yang hebat ini dalam nada yang menggigil, yang disebabkan oleh aircond yang sejuk gila babi sambil sambil nervous dengan anxiety attack la ba juga tu. tapi dia menjadi-jadi sebab sejuk, but i brave myself to pass the horrendous flood, and i managed to ask a question walaupun behambur... so question ku bunyinya gini, 

"Thank you for the talk. Its very informative, very helpful, very demure" ya sempat lagi aku belawak sebab ntah lah perkataan tu keluar sendiri tanpa malu dari mulutku, and she said "whaaaat" HAHAHAHA. "Im asking as a student. How do you implement critical thinking in your teaching, especially for English subject. And if you could suggest me some books about critical thinking, other than Edward de Bono, or Robert Fisher" and stupid me forgot to rakam her answers. But i hope i might find the recording videos on youtube of facebook or somewhere else. I just hope i will meet her again sometimes, but not as a participant, but standing on the same stage with her. I also hope that I can have some chats with her about some academic issues.

k pastu ada lah some speeches, and the media come and go. the next interesting session is a workshop. We learnt about PBL, teaching skills, kelompok jigsaw. Thanks to everyone lahhhh. 

Penutupan harini aku akhiri dengan makan bakso depan usia. Bakso ayam harini 18.09.2024 sudah berharga sebanyak RM7.00. Dulu RM3/5 kalau nda silap. widih. Ekonomi, ekonomi...

K la that's all for today.

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